After an impressive multi-year advance beginning in 2009, US and global financial markets were unable to make any gains in 2015 year to date. Global deflation, caused primarily by the ongoing...
The Crash, Big Bounce and the Outlook for a Tricky 2016
Many global stock indexes have staged a strong recovery in the past few weeks as stresses in financial markets have been reduced. The grave concerns over global growth, especially in China, which so...
Global Recession, Falling Stock Prices and Kim Kardashian
In recent weeks we've seen increasing evidence that many important global economies are either already in recession or heading in that direction. China, the largest and most important of the non US...
Late Summer Storms and The Way Forward
In the recent grim days of late August leading into September of 2015, the often frantic, caffeine-driven rhetoric on Financial TV progressed from the "healthy correction" narrative on August 14th...
The Power of Addition by Subtraction
In a financial world where more of everything is usually seen as better, an alternate investment philosophy suggests the opposite may be true. Perceptions of investment success are often correlated...
The Artful Dodger: Getting Out In Front of Changing Dividend Yields
Part 2 of the Dividend Power Series July 1 2015 Since early in 2015, dividend paying stocks and mutual funds have been on the defensive. The long anticipated increase in short term interest rates...