Warning: Some simple math is included in this article. Up until last year, there was no dividend dilemma. Cash in bank deposits and money market funds paid around zero, and dividends on common...

Warning: Some simple math is included in this article. Up until last year, there was no dividend dilemma. Cash in bank deposits and money market funds paid around zero, and dividends on common...
Normal is an underrated word. Normalcy is an underrated concept. In a world where “extreme” everything is a cultural and advertising icon; I’ve got some good news for you: We are returning to...
Dividends are back in style. For now. When growth stocks or crypto or anything else that has immediate upward momentum catches fire, most people will again forget about the value of...
We need a recession. Nobody likes recessions, but they are a natural part of business cycles going way back in history. And we really need one now, however onerous that may sound. In most past...
Never underestimate what people think is cool. If people think something is cool, its stock can get really hot. Even during a time of pandemic, lock-downs, severe economic...
The “Environmental, Social, Governance” or ESG revolution is here, and it is changing everything.This ambitious and progressive three pronged initiative is quickly becoming among the most important...