“Respect for Tradition with Focus On Progress”
Delivering Excellence in Personalized Financial Planning & Investment Management
Certified Financial Planner & Registered Investment Advisor in Burbank, CA
We are a Fiduciary Investment Advisor based in Burbank-Toluca Lake California. We specialize in Prudent Investment Management of Financial Portfolios, Cash and Banking Management and Financial Planning services for Private Holdings Clients, Business Owners, Retirement Plan Investors and a diverse group of clients representing our community. Whether you need business financial planning, retirement financial planning, or family financial planning, you can rest assured our team can help.
Kensington A.M.I. offers clients more than a generation of financial planning knowledge, expert investment management and economic insight. We understand that managing finances can be a stressful experience, so we emphasize the importance of clear and thoughtful communication in our business and personal financial planning process. We are a person to person human relations business.
Risk Disclosure: Investing in stocks, bonds mutual funds, exchange traded funds or other investment instruments involves risk. Values of investment assets purchased for clients may gain or lose value. Investment results can vary and are not guaranteed. Make sure you understand the risks of any investment before purchase. You could lose money investing in financial or other assets.
Ask our advisers about risks before proceeding with investing.
Our Financial Advisors Work For You
Kensington A.M.I. founder and Chief Investment Officer Benjamin Lupu CFP has served selected investors and retirement plan clients for more than 30 years.
As a Fiduciary advisor, we emphasize investment prudence, risk control, highest quality asset selection and most of all, positive client experience. We are a FEE ONLY advisor.
Trusted Financial Planning Services
We endeavor to serve our clients by offering holistic financial advice and investment management. As a fee only adviser, we do not earn commissions, giving you peace of mind in our personal financial planning services and business financial planning strategies in Burbank, CA. We always put your needs first.
We strive to protect client interests by offering objective advice and expert management We also emphasize providing client and community financial education as an important service offering.
Let Our Expert Financial Planners Guide Your Future
We focus on being a one-to-one relationship business. We make sure we get to know you and how you feel about finances and the challenges of modern life in general. We know that our emphasis on the human relations element of our relationships are how we are different from many other advisors. We take pride in serving the Burbank-Toluca Lake and surrounding Los Angeles communities with an understanding of the financial and psychological challenges that our modern financial world presents to all of us.
We also serve clients in other parts of our country with the same attention to detail as we apply to our local community. Call us today to experience how we are different, and how we can guide you to understanding how we build and maintain financial security for all of our communities. We’re dedicated to managing all your financial planning needs with expertise.